CDAIT's Leadership

Nathan W. Moon
Chief Operating Officer
Nathan W. Moon, PhD, is a Principal Research Scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and he serves as Director of Research of the Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP) at Georgia Tech. His research focuses on increasing access to education and employment for people with disabilities, with specializations in the accessibility of information and communications technologies (ICTs), workplace accommodations and employment policy, broadening participation in STEM education, and program evaluation.

Jeff Evans
Co-Founder and Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board
"CDAIT relies on financial sponsorship from industry and looks for sponsors whose objectives are tightly aligned with the center’s. Like any other research center at Georgia Tech, CDAIT is a vehicle for focusing on technologies such as those enabling the Internet of Things, which are crucial to the advancement of society and leading to interdisciplinary collaboration. It is a critical means by which Georgia Tech fulfills its mission to serve industry through relevant research, innovation, continuing education, and education of students to become leaders in technology-driven companies. Fundamentally, IoT is rapidly being deployed in all aspects of business and life and as such is truly transformational. Thus, a key component of the CDAIT mission is to work closely with academia and industry partners to advance innovation of IoT-based capabiliti

Alain Louchez
Co-Founder and Director Emeritus
"The expression 'Internet of Things' (IoT), for which there is no lack of definitional efforts, is a catchphrase that has been adopted around the world to describe something inherently disruptive, i.e., the immersion of almost anything and everything (previously 'out of scope') into the communications space thanks to the timely convergence of scientific, technological, and societal advances and trends. Through embedded intelligence, the Internet of Things will transform the dimensions of the economy and society on a scale not experienced before. Nothing will be forever fixed. Inert will become active; delayed, instantaneous; offline, online; and static, dynamic. The Internet of Things, which has two intertwined and yet different elements, i.e., the 'Industrial IoT' and the 'Consumer IoT', will give rise to what could rightfully be called a 'pulsating world' (i.e., sending and receiving data). Since the potentially connectable things are extremely diverse and their number is very large, incommensurately bigger than the number of people, the resulting challenges, both technological and human, are broad and significant.
In order to address those challenges, we have created a Center exclusively focused on the development and application of IoT technologies, which can link this ebullient and promising market with the wide range of IoT-related expertise already present within Georgia Tech. With access to a community of world-renowned faculty and researchers and exceptionally talented students, CDAIT can uniquely support projects that span the whole IoT value chain..."

Adina Martinez
Senior Program Analyst
Adina is a Research Associate II at the Georgia Tech Center for Advanced Communication Policy. She spent ten years as a project leader at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) implementing a wide variety of programs for various sponsors. From software implementation and UX research to program management and homeland security training and exercises, she has worked with local, state, federal, and industry sponsors, leveraging her passion for people and effective communication to ensure customer success. Adina is passionate about building relationships and working on interdisciplinary teams to execute projects and programs of varying direction, size and scope.
Adina earned her BS in International Affairs from Georgia Tech and her MA in Public Administration from Georgia State. She is fluent in Spanish and recently spent two years living in Tokyo, Japan.

Jeremy Solomon
Industry Analyst
For More Information
Center for Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT)
500 10th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30332 - 0620
Phone: 404-385-4614
Fax: 404-385-0269